ER- 2020
installation with text / vinyl foil on glass windows / 173 x 253 cm (2x) / Galerie Ursula Walter, Dresden (DE), during exhibition ‘Contemporary Contemplations #6’ , Dutch Contemprary II / September 4 - October 31, 2020.
- Curators Gerda Kruimer, Patricia Westerholze, Andreas Kempe
With thanks
Iwaarden Artwork (production vinyl foils)
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands / CBK Rotterdam / Goethe Institute Rotterdam/ Hermann Ilgen Foundation / Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony/ Office for Culture and Monument Protection of the State Capital Dresden
Photos above: 1. ER (overheen) just installed, photo by Marieke van Diemen 2. ER (overheen) installation at the opening (2x), 4. Left, above the reading boy: Friedrich Kracht / Offenes System B (1986) and in front of the gallery the historic fountain by Kracht+Adler
Contemporary Contemplations is an open exhibition format in the form of a travelling exhibition with a growing number of internationally active artists from the Netherlands and Germany. Initiated by Dutch artist Gerda Kruimer and German-Dutch artist René Eicke, the project began in 2018 at Arti et Amicitae in Amsterdam, followed by Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin, Kunsthaus in Erfurt, phk18 in Rotterdam and ACEC in Apeldoorn in 2019.
At Galerie Ursula Walter, 14 Dutch and 8 German artists will show their works. Three large-format works will be developed directly for the wall or window. The exhibition will focus on the common coding underlying all the participating artists and their partly similar abstract signatures against the background of the historical rupture between the "abstract West" and the "figurative East".
Go to CC#6 page at Galerie Ursula Walter with photos of the exhibition
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