Dutch verbs referring to making and creating
vinyl foil on wall 3.70 x 12.90 m
DE/CIPHER 22/4 - 21/5/2023
Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam

Installation with text /Huis de Pinto, Amsterdam
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Design for glass partitions in the office
of Research, Information and Statistics (OIS),
commissioned by City of Amsterdam, 2020
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KP, 2007 / Plate 6 of 7 enamel on steelplates / (7x) 64 x 100 cm / acquired in 2024 Museum Prinsenhof Delft

173 x 253 cm (2x) / vinyl foil on window / Contemporary Contemplations #6/ Galerie Ursula Walter, Dresden
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Wall painting, 4 x 11 m, PHK18 / Convex Architecten Rotterdam, Contemporary Contemplations #4, 2019
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Wall painting / 519 x 350 cm / ACEC, Apeldoorn
Abstract Wall Paintings III - 100 Years After De Stijl
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wall painting, 519 x 280 cm / 2017
Openlucht museum De Lakenhal / Pieterskerkhof, Leiden / 100 Years after DE STIJL

installation with text, wall 1 (257 x 454 cm) + wall 2 (257 x 407 cm) / Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem, 2016-2017

wall painting / 1.61 x 4 m / WEINER WALL, M4 Gastatelier / Marble Hall of the Tetterode Complex, Amsterdam, 12/2014 -03/ 2015
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wall painting, 250 x 645 cm / Vrijheid van Geest exhibition, in rememberance of H.N. Werkman / Galerie Werfkade 16, Hoogezand / 05.09 - 11-10. 2015

7 enamel on steelplates / (7x) 64 x 100 cm / on loan to Gemeente Delft / Location: facade of Museum Nusantara, Delft / Commissioned by Municipality of Delft for CONTOUR 2007

5 x 19 m, vinyl banner stretched on frame, location next to Czar Peter House, Krim 23, Zaandam. Commissioned by Municipality Zaandam
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Wall painting / 268 x 252 x 277 cm, wallpaint on concrete
Public artwork comissioned by Municipality of Heemskerk and Beverwijk / Location: Broekpolder

Design for 82 glass panels for renovated library building / Public Art Commission 2012 - 2014, in collaboration with DMT Architects, Antwerp (BE)

Site specific installation, 225 x 800 cm / KUNSTVLAAI: Festival of Independents, 2012, location: former St. Nicolaas Lyceum, Amsterdam

250 x 320 cm / wall painting at exhibition at Hein Elferink Gallery, 2011

Billboard / 400 x 400 cm / digital print on PVC terpaulin / 2006 / initiated by CBK Apeldoorn. location photo at Europaweg

Two wall paintings in a nuclear bomb shelter / acrylic on concrete, 534 x 255 cm (wall 1) and 436 x 248 cm (wall 2) / 2006

Wall painting on the 4 walls of project space CCNOA, Brussels / 303 x 240 x 260 cm / 2009

Wall painting / 516 handpainted blue crosses / acrylic on walls / (2x) 334 x 548 cm / Location: outLINE, Amsterdam, 2006

wall painting / 518 x 270 cm / wall paint, colored vinyl / during exhibition ‘Klaar’ in De Vishal, Haarlem / 2014

Double projection of animations during the exhibition ‘Watching the River Flow’ in Galerie Blaak, Rotterdam 2007
Link HAY on Vimeo and THIS WAY WHITE

Erasmus University Rotterdam / Restaurant Het Recept / 19.08.02 - 19.09.02
Wall with collages / 150x240 cm (5x)

wall painting 304 x 1037 cm / TENT.’s Curve, Rotterdam / 16-10 till 25-11 - 2001

wall artwork with poem ‘Glaura revivida’ by Carlos Drummond de Andrade/cow leather, black ink, wooden construction/191 x 104 cm /commissioned by Woonbron Housing Corporation, Rotterdam/2003/Part of public art series ‘Dichter bij de buurt’

ESPACE CENSURÉ PROTÉGÉ, Presentation Space for Contemporary VIsual Arts, Facade of Leopold II - laan nr. 46, Bruges (BE)
June 21 - September 20, 2023
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Dutch verbs referring to making and creating
vinyl foil on wall 3.70 x 12.90 m
DE/CIPHER 22/4 - 21/5/2023
Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
Installation with text /Huis de Pinto, Amsterdam
More about this project
Design for glass partitions in the office
of Research, Information and Statistics (OIS),
commissioned by City of Amsterdam, 2020
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KP, 2007 / Plate 6 of 7 enamel on steelplates / (7x) 64 x 100 cm / acquired in 2024 Museum Prinsenhof Delft
173 x 253 cm (2x) / vinyl foil on window / Contemporary Contemplations #6/ Galerie Ursula Walter, Dresden
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Wall painting, 4 x 11 m, PHK18 / Convex Architecten Rotterdam, Contemporary Contemplations #4, 2019
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Wall painting / 519 x 350 cm / ACEC, Apeldoorn
Abstract Wall Paintings III - 100 Years After De Stijl
More about NB
wall painting, 519 x 280 cm / 2017
Openlucht museum De Lakenhal / Pieterskerkhof, Leiden / 100 Years after DE STIJL
installation with text, wall 1 (257 x 454 cm) + wall 2 (257 x 407 cm) / Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem, 2016-2017
wall painting / 1.61 x 4 m / WEINER WALL, M4 Gastatelier / Marble Hall of the Tetterode Complex, Amsterdam, 12/2014 -03/ 2015
More about XXXL
wall painting, 250 x 645 cm / Vrijheid van Geest exhibition, in rememberance of H.N. Werkman / Galerie Werfkade 16, Hoogezand / 05.09 - 11-10. 2015
wall painting, 270 x 600 cm / part of solo exhibition / Heden, The Hague / 2014
7 enamel on steelplates / (7x) 64 x 100 cm / on loan to Gemeente Delft / Location: facade of Museum Nusantara, Delft / Commissioned by Municipality of Delft for CONTOUR 2007
5 x 19 m, vinyl banner stretched on frame, location next to Czar Peter House, Krim 23, Zaandam. Commissioned by Municipality Zaandam
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Wall painting / 268 x 252 x 277 cm, wallpaint on concrete
Public artwork comissioned by Municipality of Heemskerk and Beverwijk / Location: Broekpolder
Design for 82 glass panels for renovated library building / Public Art Commission 2012 - 2014, in collaboration with DMT Architects, Antwerp (BE)
Site specific installation, 225 x 800 cm / KUNSTVLAAI: Festival of Independents, 2012, location: former St. Nicolaas Lyceum, Amsterdam
250 x 320 cm / wall painting at exhibition at Hein Elferink Gallery, 2011
Wall painting / 2015 / exhibition Razzle Dazzle, Electron, Breda
De Vishal, Kleine Zaal, Haarlem
More about Alice
Billboard / 400 x 400 cm / digital print on PVC terpaulin / 2006 / initiated by CBK Apeldoorn. location photo at Europaweg
Two wall paintings in a nuclear bomb shelter / acrylic on concrete, 534 x 255 cm (wall 1) and 436 x 248 cm (wall 2) / 2006
Wall painting, 220 x 200 cm / 18.06 -10.07. 2011, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
Wall painting on the 4 walls of project space CCNOA, Brussels / 303 x 240 x 260 cm / 2009
Wall painting / 516 handpainted blue crosses / acrylic on walls / (2x) 334 x 548 cm / Location: outLINE, Amsterdam, 2006
wall painting / 518 x 270 cm / wall paint, colored vinyl / during exhibition ‘Klaar’ in De Vishal, Haarlem / 2014
Double projection of animations during the exhibition ‘Watching the River Flow’ in Galerie Blaak, Rotterdam 2007
Link HAY on Vimeo and THIS WAY WHITE
Erasmus University Rotterdam / Restaurant Het Recept / 19.08.02 - 19.09.02
Wall with collages / 150x240 cm (5x)
wall painting 304 x 1037 cm / TENT.’s Curve, Rotterdam / 16-10 till 25-11 - 2001
wall artwork with poem ‘Glaura revivida’ by Carlos Drummond de Andrade/cow leather, black ink, wooden construction/191 x 104 cm /commissioned by Woonbron Housing Corporation, Rotterdam/2003/Part of public art series ‘Dichter bij de buurt’
ESPACE CENSURÉ PROTÉGÉ, Presentation Space for Contemporary VIsual Arts, Facade of Leopold II - laan nr. 46, Bruges (BE)
June 21 - September 20, 2023
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