Series of drawings with parallel and intersecting lines.
Noumenon page
02-02-16 / permanent marker on paper / 21 x 29 cm each / 250 gs paper
02-02-16 / permanent marker on paper / 21 x 29 cm each / 250 gs paper
Series of drawings with parallel and intersecting lines.
Noumenon page
Thrilled to be invited for this exhibition curated by Luc Hoekx and Arjan Janssen!
Welcome to the opening of CONSTRUCTOR with works by 18 international constructivist artists. Hope to see you there!
November 17, 3 PM, Galery Noord - Zuid, Art Academy of Arendonk
Address: Wampenberg 26, 2370 Arendonk (BE)
Works with elementary and constructive basis
Opening Saturday 17 november, 15.00 hrs. Welcome!
Group show, curators Luc Hoekx and Arjan Janssen, with participants:
Kirstin Arndt (D), Bob Bonies (NL), Erwin Cattoor (B), Willem Cole (B), Mario De Brabandere (B), Johan Gelper (B), Luc Hoekx (B), Arjan Janssen (NL), Gracia Khouw (NL), Jai Llewellyn (GB), Riki Mijling (NL), Karim Noureldin (CH), Lon Pennock (NL), Vincent de Roder (B), Rainer Splitt (D), Shawn Stipling (GB), Takashi Suzuki (JP), Piet Tuytel (NL)
link to Galerie N-Z / Academie Arendonk
initiative of
17 november - 23 december 2018 in Galerie N-Z in Arendonk (BE)
MP (1) / 100 x 155 cm / acrylic on canvas / 2017