OVER (black, green) #0708 - 2020 / 41 x 45 x 2 cm, size 2 / edition of 3 / private collection
The first part of a two person exhibition with works about space, emptiness, residual form and shape in Amsterdam. The next show will be in Abstract Project Gallery in Paris.
ARTSPACE, Sociëteit Arti et Amicitiae
(Society of visual artists)
Rokin 112, Amsterdam
Open on weekdays Monday - Friday, 13.30 - 17.00 hrs
Link Gerda Kruimer
Arti et Amicitiae and its fascinating history is closely linked to its monumental building on the Rokin. Arti presents a topical, experimental, high profile exhibition program which includes both local and international subjects in its central location in the heart of Amsterdam.