27/10 - 06/11/2021 / Gerda Kruimer + Gracia Khouw / #130
5, rue des immeubles industriels, 75011 Paris (FR)
Images of the exhibition and opening October 27, 2021. Photos: Jun Sato.
About the series ERoverheen page

27/10 - 06/11/2021 / Gerda Kruimer + Gracia Khouw / #130
5, rue des immeubles industriels, 75011 Paris (FR)
Images of the exhibition and opening October 27, 2021. Photos: Jun Sato.
About the series ERoverheen page
OVER (black, green) #0708 - 2020 / 41 x 45 x 2 cm, size 2 / edition of 3 / private collection
The first part of a two person exhibition with works about space, emptiness, residual form and shape in Amsterdam. The next show will be in Abstract Project Gallery in Paris.
ARTSPACE, Sociëteit Arti et Amicitiae
(Society of visual artists)
Rokin 112, Amsterdam
Open on weekdays Monday - Friday, 13.30 - 17.00 hrs
Link Gerda Kruimer
Arti et Amicitiae and its fascinating history is closely linked to its monumental building on the Rokin. Arti presents a topical, experimental, high profile exhibition program which includes both local and international subjects in its central location in the heart of Amsterdam.
Accordian-fold prints (leporello) proofs next to a book by Marjorie Welish, June 2021
Project X is a collaboration with painter and art critic Marjorie Welish. We’ve been working on our project when Marjorie invited me for a collaborative dialogue in 2019. To start we had agreed on which words we would concentrate on, complex concepts from the book A work, and .../ by Marjorie. Also in addition, I suggested categories of words which have a certain attraction, a more musical association. I selected the words and worked them out into images. Marjorie responded to this with six images with drawings and actions: overlapping and superimposing images.
The images have now been printed, mine here in Amsterdam and Marjorie’s in New York. The giclee prints are folded as accordians (also called ‘lepporellos’ or zig-zag folds) and are brought together in an archival box. They will accompany an exhibition of our collaboration . More information will follow soon.
Link Marjorie Welish