DNA IKEA is a follow-up to the Billy Combinations exhibition in Hoofddorp and Berlin (2010, 2018).
Ikea once started to make affordable and accessible for everyone from the ideal design furniture. That "democratic" design is simple, but sophisticated in design and now recognizable as part of countless interiors. You could say that such furniture forms the backdrop to today's life. Equality is a wonderful ideal, but uniformity is intolerable. I’ll be showing ‘IKEA is a Four Letter word’ (2018).
This project is based on a concept by Guda Koster and Frans van Tartwijk. Thank you!
De Cacaofabriek is the cultural centre of Helmond. On view till January 19, 2020. De Cacaofabriek
Open daily 13.00 - 17.00 hrs
Text /About this work, EN/NL
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