In the press: review about de/cipher exhibition at gkg Bonn, by Gudrun von Schoenebeck in General Anzeiger newspaper
de/cipher @ gkg Bonn > snapshots
On the semiotic interplay of encoding and decoding and their translation into lines, shapes, colors, patterns, signs, symbols,
presented with works by José Heerkens, Gracia Khouw, Johanna Reich, Marjorie Welish, complemented and deepened by objects, works on paper, video, artists' books and works and performances dedicated to the acoustic aspect of language by Carlo Battisti (I), Jane Brucker/Jeremy Wasser (USA/D), Julia Bünnagel (D), Paul Goede (NL), Keti Kapanadze (Georgia/D), Naho Kawabe (Japan/D), Jochen Gerz (D/F), Wjm Kok (NL), Joseph Kosuth (USA), Tatjana Macič (NL), Vera Molnar (HU/F), Franz Mon (D), Gonzalo Reyes Araos (Chile/D), Takako Saito (Japan/D), Eva-Maria Schön (D), Anita Stöhr-Weber (D), Ulrich Wagner (D), Peter Wüthrich (CH) as well as article editions and artist books by other artists.
gkg Bonn (Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung)
January 22 - April 16, 2023
Wed - Fri 3 p.m. - 6 p.m ./ Sat 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. / Sun 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Hochstadenring 22
53119 Bonn (D)
de/cipher > opening Sunday, January 22, 2023 > 12 p.m. > welcome!
Opening > Sunday, January 22, 2023, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Welcome + Dr. Gabriele Uelsberg, chairwoman of the gkg, 12 p.m.
Introduction + + Dr. Susannah Cremer-Bermbach, curator
Performance + + + Jane Brucker / Jeremy Wasser: 'Unravel'
On the semiotic interplay of encoding and decoding and their translation into lines, shapes, colors, patterns, signs, symbols,
presented with works by José Heerkens, Gracia Khouw, Johanna Reich, Marjorie Welish, complemented and deepened by objects, works on paper, video, artists' books and works and performances dedicated to the acoustic aspect of language by Carlo Battisti (I), Jane Brucker/Jeremy Wasser (USA/D), Julia Bünnagel (D), Paul Goede (NL), Keti Kapanadze (Georgia/D), Naho Kawabe (Japan/D), Jochen Gerz (D/F), Wjm Kok (NL), Joseph Kosuth (USA), Tatjana Macič (NL), Vera Molnar (HU/F), Franz Mon (D), Gonzalo Reyes Araos (Chile/D), Takako Saito (Japan/D), Eva-Maria Schön (D), Anita Stöhr-Weber (D), Ulrich Wagner (D), Peter Wüthrich (CH) as well as article editions and artist books by other artists.
gkg Bonn (Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung)
January 22 - April 16, 2023
Wed - Fri 3 p.m. - 6 p.m ./ Sat 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. / Sun 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Hochstadenring 22
53119 Bonn (D)
de/cipher at gkg Bonn (D) 22/1 - 16/4 + Amsterdam Edition 21/4 - 21/5, 2023
I am very delighted to be taking part in de/cipher in gkg Bonn! The exhibition is curated by curator Susannah Cremer-Bermbach. We have been in intensive contact over the past few months for my contribution, a site-specific wall work about creating and other verbs in and around the (artistic) process. *
'Cipher' in German means 'digit', 'cipher', 'zero' and 'monogram' and above all a secret writing, the translation of (everyday) language into an encrypted message, a code. The exhibition title 'De/cipher' thus refers to a semiotic interplay between encoding and decoding, and in a more general sense around translation - of lines, shapes, colors, patterns, signs and symbols.
One of the first try outs in Dutch for wall work
* Unfortunately, the execution of the mural in Bonn cannot take place due to lack of funding. I will show five works from the INBETWEEN series which is a splendid match within this context.
gkg Bonn (Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung)
January 22 - April 16, 2023
Hochstadenring 22, 53119 Bonn (DE)
Additionally, we are currently working on an "Amsterdam Edition" of de/cipher. From April 21 - May 21, 2023, de/cipher will be on view in the historic and central location of Arti et Amicitiae, with a lively peripheral program of performances, séances and lectures.
Arti et Amicitiae
Rokin 112,
1012 LB Amsterdam (NL)
WHITE SPACES at Galerie Van den Berge - on view till 18/12/2022
We had a very enjoyable Meet & Greet on Saturday, November 26th. Here are a few snapshots taken while talking about the work. Thanks for joining us!
The exhibition is still on view, the last day is Sunday afternoon, December 18.
‘WHITE SPACES’ / Ab van Hanegem / Gracia Khouw
6/11 - 18/12/2022
Galerie van den Berge
Gallery Viewer
Albert Joachimikade 5, 4461 BG Goes
Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday 13.00 - 17.00 hrs, and by appointment
Text about the ERTUSSENDOOR + INBETWEEN series (NL + EN)
Thank you Petra Laaper for the snapshots!
Opening at Galerie Van den Berge, Sunday November 6, 2022
Galerie Van den Berge: Meet & Greet 26 November (Saturday) 15.00 - 17.00 hrs
Thanks for coming to the opening in Galerie Van den Berge! For those who could not come, I will be at the gallery on Saturday, November 26, to talk more about the work. From 15.00 - 17.00 hrs. You are most welcome!
Dank voor jullie komst op de opening in Galerie Van den Berge! Voor degenen die niet konden komen, ben ik zaterdag 26 November in de galerie om meer te vertellen over het werk. Aanwezig van 15.00 - 17.00 uur. U bent van harte welkom!
‘WHITE SPACES’ / Ab van Hanegem / Gracia Khouw
on view through December 18, 2022
Galerie van den Berge
Gallery Viewer
Albert Joachimikade 5, 4461 BG Goes
Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday 13.00 - 17.00 hrs, and by appointment
Text about the ERTUSSENDOOR + INBETWEEN series (NL + EN)
'WHITE SPACES' at Galerie van den Berge, November 6 - December 18
Preparations for a two-person exhibition at Galerie van den Berge in Goes are in full swing. I will show the series ERTUSSENDOOR and INBETWEEN series, together with several four-letter prints from HEEL KORT, HEEL EVEN series. Leading up to the exhibition, some of our works are on Gallery Viewer already, an online platform for contemporary art.
‘WHITE SPACES’ / Ab van Hanegem / Gracia Khouw
Opening: Sunday, November 6; on view through December 18, 2022
Galerie van den Berge
Albert Joachimikade 5, 4461 BG Goes
Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday 13.00 - 17.00 hrs, and by appointment
Text about the ERTUSSENDOOR + INBETWEEN series (NL + EN)
ADUH - ABDI - ADAT - ADIL - New series four letter words
From my fascination with four-letter words, the FIVE FOUR, MORE LESS series was born in 2017. They symbolize fast, compact, efficient and standard, matching today's times. The continuation is the project HEEL KORT HEEL EVEN / CUMA KATA-KATA and puts more emphasis on the languages I grew up with. Presenting the word images of the different languages side by side can lead to new connections and insights. In doing so, the project also shows how I hold myself in the field of language and image from my life of migration and being an artist.
Here are the new series' first word images and meanings in Dutch and English.
Update: Booklaunch October 21, 2023, Huis de Pinto, Amsterdam
Update: Presentation of the series: February 1 - 4, 2024, Bouwput Gallery Amsterdam
ADUH; NL (uitroep van pijn, verbazing, teleurstelling e.d.) ach, au, ai, jee; mengaduh – kreunen, jammeren, weeklagen / EN (exclamation of pain, surprise, disappointment, etc.) ouch, augh, ee, gosh; mengaduh - moaning, lamenting, wailing
ABDI; NL 1. dienaar, ondergeschikte; 2. slaaf; abdidalem - paleisdienaar, hofambtenaar; abdinegara – overheidsdienaar, ambtenaar; mengabdi (ke)(pada) - dienen bij, in dienst zijn van, toegewijd aan. / EN 1. servant, subordinate; 2. slave; abdidalem - palace servant, court official; abdinegara - government servant, official; mengabdi (ke)(pada), serve at, be in the service of, be devoted to.
ADAT; NL 1. traditie, overlevering, adat; 2. gewoonte (recht), regel; adat-istiadat (kebiasaan) – gewoonten (en gebruiken); beradat – volgens de traditie, traditioneel / EN 1. tradition, custom, adat; 2. custom (law), rule; adat-istiadat (kebiasaan) - customs (and practices); beradat - according to tradition, traditional
ADIL; NL rechtvaardig, eerlijk, onpartijdig, billijk, rechtmatig; keadilan – rechtvaardigheid, billijkheid / EN just, fair, impartial, equitable; keadilan - justice, equity
Thank you, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst!
I am very happy that the AFK has granted my project application HEEL KORT, HEEL EVEN / CUMA KATA KATA/HEAR HERE. In the coming months, I will be able to compose new Dutch, Indonesian and English four-letter word images. These short four-letter words convey abstract notions, concepts and sentiments. I have been exploring them since 2012, although I am far from reaching the full potential of them.
Thank you, AFK!
Thank you, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds!
I am so delighted that the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund, which houses the Tijlfonds has granted my application for a publication of the series of works 'FIVE FOUR, MORE LESS'! The publication will feature 60-80 new four-letter words in Dutch, Indonesian and English accompanied by an excellent text by Maaike Drescher. The project is planned to be published and presented in February 2023.
In preparation: de/cipher! in gkg Bonn (DE) January 2023
I’m thrilled to be invited for de/cipher! a group exhibition curated by Susannah Cremer-Bermbach in gkg, Bonn (DE). In addition, preparations are now underway for the exhibition to take place in the Netherlands in 2023.
'Cipher' in German means 'digit', 'cipher', 'zero' and 'monogram' and above all a secret writing, the translation of (everyday) language into an encrypted message, a code. The exhibition title 'De/cipher' thus refers to a semiotic interplay between encoding and decoding, and in a more general sense around translation - of lines, shapes, colors, patterns, signs and symbols.
Participants: Marjorie Welish, artist/critic (NY/US), José Heerkens (NL), Johanna Reich (DE), Gracia Khouw.
Also showing artists objects, wall works, books and special editions by Carlo Battisti, Julia Bünnagel, Jochen Gerz, Eugen Gomringer, Keti Kapanadze, Wjm Kok, Joseph Kosuth, Josef Linschinger, Vera Molnar, Franz Mon, Gerhard Rühm, Takako Saito, Timm Ulrichs, Ulrich Wagner and others.
Installation view in gkg Bonn during “Lebt Theo?” 2011, a group exhibition curated by S. Cremer-Bermbach and Christoph Dahlhausen / photo: works by G. Khouw. Krijn de Koning, WJM Kok, Bob Bonies, Piet Tuytel
Link to YEAH page
gkg Bonn (Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung)
January 22 - April 16, 2023
Hochstadenring 22
53119 Bonn (DE)
New Work: INBETWEEN series
An introduction to this new series inspired by the so-called "adverbs of place," words that answer the question of where something takes place. Below are a few pictures of the first paintings made in the fall of 2021. More works will follow this spring.

TWEEN (green) 1509 / 35 x 32 cm size (nr. 1)
TWEEN (blue) - 1709 / 35 x 32 cm size (nr. 1)
TWEEN (black) - 2911/ 76,5 x 70 x 2 cm (size nr. 4)
Overview photo: TWEEN (blue) 1909 / 43 x 43 x 2 cm (nr. 2) (sold) and TWEEN (blue) / 54 x 50 x 2 cm (nr. 3)
- the material of the paintings is 6 mm birch plywood. A custom mdf hanging structure is attached to the back so that you can view the work in 4 different positions.
The series are works in edition
- Size nr. 1, nr. 2 are editions of 3
- Size nr. 3, nr. 4 are editions of 2
- Size nr. 5 is unique and is the maximum size at the moment.
LIFE - white - 320 x 320 mm / print on 3 mm plexi glass (sign material)
Happy New Year!
From the studio in Amsterdam, wishing you a Happy New Year
New Series / working title: Adverbs of Place
The making of new series with adverbs of place INBETWEEN, Laser cut birch plywoord 6 mm, sizes nr. 3 - 52 x 58 and nr. 4 - 60 x 77 cm

NL: voor Nederlands, scroll omlaag, of klik op ‘read more’
At the end of the year, we face the beginning of a new year. Time to think about New Year's cards. I have a collection of 6 designs. They can be ordered in sets of 6, you can specify how many of the type of design (or color) you wish to receive.
Order by 30th of November to receive the cards on time.
Aan het eind van het jaar, staan we voor het begin van een nieuw jaar. Tijd om na te denken over nieuwjaarskaarten. Ik heb een collectie van 6 ontwerpen. Ze kunnen per sets van 6 besteld worden, je kunt de set zelf samenstellen met de ontwerpen of kleuren die je wilt hebben.
Bestel s.v.p. vóór 30 november om de kaarten op tijd in huis te hebben.
27/10 - 06/11/2021 / Gerda Kruimer + Gracia Khouw / #130
5, rue des immeubles industriels, 75011 Paris (FR)
Images of the exhibition and opening October 27, 2021. Photos: Jun Sato.
About the series ERoverheen page

The Distance Between Two Intersecting Lines - October 27 (opening) - November 6

>> opening: Wednesday October 27, 18.00-21.00 hrs .. Welcome!
>> artists present at the opening and by appontment >> mail
5, rue des immeubles industriels,
75011 Paris, France
> open: Wednesday - Saturday, 14.00 - 19.00 hrs
The Distance Between Two Intersecting Lines (part 1) 28/09 - 08/10/2021, ARTSPACE - Arti Et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
OVER (black, green) #0708 - 2020 / 41 x 45 x 2 cm, size 2 / edition of 3 / private collection
The first part of a two person exhibition with works about space, emptiness, residual form and shape in Amsterdam. The next show will be in Abstract Project Gallery in Paris.
ARTSPACE, Sociëteit Arti et Amicitiae
(Society of visual artists)
Rokin 112, Amsterdam
Open on weekdays Monday - Friday, 13.30 - 17.00 hrs
Link Gerda Kruimer
Arti et Amicitiae and its fascinating history is closely linked to its monumental building on the Rokin. Arti presents a topical, experimental, high profile exhibition program which includes both local and international subjects in its central location in the heart of Amsterdam.